Monday 22 September 2014

Introduction to Preliminary Task

My first task to complete in media studies, is to create a student magazine. Not the entire magazine just the front cover and the contents page. This task will take place over about 4 weeks, and will hopefully be successfully completed on the fourth week.

Week 1: In this week l will do three tasks...

  • Research and plan. At this stage l shall research some student magazines and the key aspects like how they are appropriate for their target audience.
  • Research the target audience. I will research what things need to be put in a student magazine that appeal to the target audience. 
  • Planning for production. As it seems, l will plan for producing my student magazine. 
Week 2: Producing my magazine
  • Photo-shoot. I will take photos to go on the front cover/contents of my magazine. 
  • I will design my front cover 
  • Following that l will design my contents page
Week 3
  • I will finish off my contents page
  • Finally l will evaluate the student magazine l have just produced. 
Week 4:
  • Continuing with my evaluation of my student magazine. 

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