Genre – The genre that my music magazine will be aimed at is
a teenager/young adult, the sub genre will be mainstream music. So l am
indenting on following the pop/R&B music route, because that is the music
genre that l am most interested in and l would be able to use my knowledge to
create a professional magazine. Also because l researched magazines of a
similar genre, I’ve got to know the generic conventions of that style of
House styles/ Brand identiy
- Vibrant colours
- Large texts
- Consistency of colours and fonts
- Youthful image
- Accessible
- Easy to read
Typical content
- Music news
- Fashion betrayed by artists
- Celebrity news
- Music chart
Type of institution that might produce the magazine
- Highly known institution
- In charge of several other magazines
- A professional one
- One with enough money to enforce it
Mode of address
- Informal with various formality
- Chatty
- Relaxed formal
· Representation / Ideology values
Positive representation
- A mange of music styles to represent my audience as well as some new ones to challenge their taste and introduce them to music genres they wouldn't expect to see
- Some mainstream values that would be expected in my genre of magazine
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