Potential Models
The first person l decided to be a potential model was my friend, Katie. She's 17 and she is also in my media studies group so l thought that would be a great person to choose. She enjoys and listens to pop music frequently so l know she would represent my genre. Her fashion sense suits my magazine and l believe she would connote the youthful and vibrant message i'm going for. I also went for Katie because we have the same college timetable and it felt suitable to go with someone who also had availability to do the photo-shoot.
The second potential model l have is Mollie, Mollie like Katie also listens to various pop artists and is perfect to represent my music genre. She is a very naturalistic model, which would suit my magazine perfectly. She is very used to the camera so she'd be able to take a good photo for my magazine. Mollie is 1, so therefor shes in the age range which l am targeting my magazine at. However she does go to a different college, so finding the time to do a photoshoot before the dead line may be challenging but I'll try and get it done.
My third potential model is Callum. He's 17, and like me does media studies. His interests are pop music which although isn't clearly portrayed he could still gain interest from my target audience (females,16-20). I've decided to pick Callum because l think he represents a young male artist who's new in the scenes of the music industry, so the idea will fit into my magazine. Also I've gone for him because l don't want to have just girls on my magazine, l want there to be a equal mix between boys and girls.
My fourth potential model is Georgina. She suits my magazine perfectly as so photogenic and she has that youthful glow about her. She's interested in bands such as One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer making her perfect to go on my magazine. She's 17 and goes to my collage so her availability to take photos is fine. She has a unique style which would suit my magazine since i'm trying to differentiate it from other magazines.
My fifth possibility is Nick. He's 16 however pop music, isn't so much his interest. However I've thought about this and in my music magazine l wanted to push my target audience into trying other music tastes and l think Nick's perfect for portraying a more rock music style. This won't be a dominant factor in my magazine just something l think would refresh the look of the overall magazine. Also like Callum, he portrays a single artist figure which would help promote new upcoming artists. Which is one of the main themes in my magazine, therefore l think nick would suit it perfectly.
My third potential model is me. Purely because l know what l want to get out of my models so l know how l should be photographed. I am heavily interested in the pop music and l already have possible outfits to wear for my magazine. Also l am obviously available at all times to do photography.
I am unsure on which models l will actually pick, but it will be within the images I've selected above.
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